Monthly Archives: April 2014

Istanbul to Selcuk

We decided against paying for a ride to the airport and instead opt for public transportation. Taking the tram from Sultanahmet, we transferred and arrived at the airport stop. It was a long, long walk with two security checks. Total time from leaving hotel to arriving at gate was 1.5 hours.

We flew from Istanbul to Izmir, an easy one hour flight via Turkish Airlines. We were served a “picnic” on the plane, consisting of a little cheese sandwich, cucumbers, olives and yogurt. I asked for water and was given a crazy little plastic cup with a foil lid —


What can I say? I’ve never seen anything like it.

Arrive at the Izmir airport and the airport itself seemed weirdly empty but I don’t know if that was just because of where our arrival gate was located since it appeared that a large expansion was under construction. Another long walk to the train, but it always seems long when wearing a heavy backpack. Had a little trouble figuring out how to buy the train tickets to Selcuk, but finally accomplished at a cost of 9 T.L. (appx. $4.50) for both of us. Way better than the 45 Euros our Selcuk hotel was charging for airport pick up. Although I did learn later that Atlas Airlines has a shuttle from Izmir to Selcuk, only available to passengers of their airline but I don’t know if there is a cost associated with it.

The train was crowded and we had to stand for the entire 1+ hour journey to Selcuk. Arrive in Selcuk and immediately find a place to eat before heading for hotel.

After settling in and taking a nap (we are on vacation after all!), we head out and walk around a bit before eating supper.

Small Mosque

Small Mosque

The restaurant we stopped at had outdoor seating in a large area surrounded by small businesses.


I was highly entertained watching the three tiny alteration shops, next door to each other. All three seemed to have a lot of business. A customer would arrive and the owner would lower the shades and shut the door while the customer changed into the clothing to be altered. Presumably the clothing was pinned, the customer changed back to the clothes he arrived in, the blinds and door would be reopened and the customer would leave. If the customer was female, the owner stepped outside while the customer changed, and left the door open while pinning the clothing, then stepped back outside until the customer had changed back into her original clothes. I never saw a lone female enter one of these businesses, all female customers were always accompanied by another female. Some of the customers presumably wanted their alterations done immediately as we saw at least two drop items off and come back and get them while we were at the restaurant.


Note the closed blinds of the business on the left.

All things considered, it was a pleasant, beautiful evening to have a relaxing meal and people watch.

Very Large Array (National Radio Astronomy Observatory)

We visited the VLA the same day we went to the Trinity Site, and it is a beautiful drive from Socorro, NM. This is an easy 2-for-1 trip, as the VLA hosts an open house the first Saturday of each month and staff scientists are the tour leaders for the April and October events. The VLA was featured in the movie Contact.




Spotted this antelope while waiting for the tour to begin

The tour started in the activity center with an overview provided by Rick Perley, one of the project scientists. Frankly, the information was way over my head and I zoned out during the technical discussion of how the 27 antennas work together. However I did find it interesting that when the antennas are in their largest configuration (as they were during our visit) they are actually viewing a smaller portion of the sky at a higher resolution and when in the smallest configuration a larger portion of the sky is viewed at a lower resolution. Completely opposite of what I thought it would be.

The tour then proceeded to the control building.



The man working in the control room wasn’t too thrilled to be interrupted and grudgingly answered questions. It was the first Saturday of the month, surely he knew there would be tour groups coming through??


Headed outside for a close up look at a working antenna. These things are HUGE! 10 stories tall and 230 tons.





This was a worthwhile visit made more enjoyable by participating in the open house tour. I know I wouldn’t have learned as much if I had visited at a different time and walked the self-tour. I recommend stopping back at the visitor’s center after the tour to see examples of discoveries made by scientists using the VLA.

Trinity Site

The Trinity Site is the location of the first atomic bomb explosion, and as it is on an active military facility (White Sands Missile Range), is only open one day each year on the first Saturday in April.

Visitors turn off Hwy. 380 and drive 5 miles south to the Stallion gate (12 miles east of I-25 or 54 miles west of Carrizozo, NM). Alternatively, visitors can meet up with a caravan in Alamogordo, NM.

We spent Friday night in Carrizozo at the Four Winds Motel, a traditional motor inn with very clean and recently renovated rooms, then made the drive Saturday morning.

The line of vehicles to enter was appx. 1 mile long when we arrived, around 9 AM. All visitors must stop at the gate and show identification. It is an additional 17 miles from the gate to the Trinity Site parking lot.







Outside the outer gate is the remnant of the Jumbo casing – originally designed to prevent plutonium from being lost if the chain reaction failed to occur. However as the scientists gained confidence in the bomb design, plan to use Jumbo were suspended. (The ends are missing as the Army detonated eight 500-pound bombs inside it in 1946.)


From the outer gate, it is a 1/4 mile walk to ground zero.





Inner Gate

Inner Gate

Lava Rock Monument - Ground Zero

Lava Rock Monument – Ground Zero




Radiation at the site is low, just 10 times greater than the area’s natural background radiation. A one hour visit to the Trinity Site is equivalent to 1/2 of one millirem.  By comparison, a coast-to-coast flight has an exposure of two millirems.

Fat Man Bomb Casing

Fat Man Bomb Casing


Panorama View

Panorama View

In all, we spent around an hour at the site. Unfortunately, the military was not running the optional bus tour to the McDonald House, where the bomb was assembled.

Honestly, there isn’t a lot to see: Ground Zero monument, a metal footing from the tower, Fatman bomb casing, and a metal shelter protecting part of the original crater. There are also historical photos etched in metal around a portion of the fence. But this is more about the historical significance of the site than the actual things to see. There were people present from all over the world, as I heard German, Japanese, French and a Scandinavian language,

Am I glad we went? Yes. Will we go back? No.

Caprock Canyons State Park

Quick trip over to Caprock Canyons State Park. I haven’t been since it was newly established.


Caprock Canyons is home to the official Texas Bison Herd.





Just like cattle, bison follow the vehicle they recognize.

Path to Amphitheater

Path to Amphitheater





It was a cold, windy day so we didn’t do any hiking but plan to return to take advantage of the many hiking trails.

There is also a trailway associated with the park, which extends 60 miles from South Plains to Estelline. On the way home, we stopped at the Monk’s Crossing trailhead. Appx. 4.5 miles west from the parking lot is an abandoned railroad tunnel, Clarity Tunnel. A colony of Mexican free-tailed bats inhabit the tunnel April – October. We are considering a return trip later in the year to see the bats exit the tunnel at dusk.

Turkish Hamami aka 2 Hicks Take a Turkish Bath

We discussed off and on for a couple of days if we wanted to experience a Turkish bath, and decided it would be a good way to end our stay in Istanbul.

Initially we planned to visit the Cemberlitas Hamami, close to the Grand Bizarre. However when we stopped at a shop to buy keses (raw silk mittens), the owner told us about a hamami in the general area of our hotel that offered a more authentic experience. Also: much cheaper than Cemberlitas.

We ate a light lunch (having been forewarned not to eat a heavy meal prior to the bath), then armed with our keses and (terrible) map, we were off to the Kadirga Hamami. And we walk and walk and can’t find it. We are very lost. Numerous people give us directions and we still can’t find it. Finally a kind man takes pity on us and walks us directly to it.

Two men sitting outside the bath get most upset when I started toward the entrance, and pantomimed that the women’s entrance is down the way but I look and look and don’t see it. Eventually  I am allowed to follow Richard into the men’s entrance and led up a different staircase to the women’s bath.

This place is unreal – large enclosed 2-story courtyard surrounded by changing rooms on both floors, fountain, marble everywhere. And unlike baths catering to tourists, the attendant on the women’s side does not speak English. I wanted an authentic experience – right?? But with hand signals, pantomime and leading me by the hand, we get along just fine. Unfortunately, I never understood her name despite asking a number of times.

The attendant leads me to a changing room to undress and hands me a pestemal, which is sort of like a heavy cotton sheet. I undress and wrap the pestemal around me, grab my kese and indicate I’m ready. She closes and locks the door, hands me the key, then points to slippers to put on my feet.

I’m led back to the sicaklik – hot and wet caldarium, and it is so hot and humid it takes my breath away. Two other ladies are in the room and the attendant says something to them, and I don’t know what she said but the ladies grab their keses and leave. I wish they had stayed, and felt bad that they had to leave because I showed up.

The floors, walls and ceiling are all marble as are the basins lining the walls. The basins have two taps – cold and hot water, and no drains. The water just fills up the basin then spills over to the floor. The entire room is built on a slight slope and all the water runs down and collects into a gutter to drain.

The attendant leads me to a basin and turns on the water full force – it is so hot it is barely tolerable, then uses a plastic bucket and dips water out of the basin and pours it over me. She hands  me the bucket and leaves. So I sit by myself and pour water over and over. I have no idea how long I sit there. It seems like a long time but I’m really not sure. Attendant eventually comes back and leads me over to a large raised marble bench/table about knee high, and indicates I should lay down. She then picks up a bucket and a mesh cloth, drips bubbles all over me, takes my kese and begins scrubbing. And scrubs and scrubs. I can’t believe I have any skin left! And I can’t believe how much dead skin comes off! The bubbles are slick and the bench is slick and I keep sliding down, and she just grabs my arm and pulls me back up. She also gives me a brief massage, which felt great. Last, she leads me back to the basin, gets a bottle of shampoo and washes my hair. Now this is pretty exciting to me, because we have 2 small unlabeled bottles in our hotel bathroom. One liquid is blue, the other clear. We have no idea which liquid is shampoo so I had been switching back and forth each day in the hope that at least every other day I am washing my hair with shampoo. After the shampoo she rinses my hair. Then hands the bucket to me and indicates I am to continue pouring water over myself.

Once again, I’m alone and I sit there for a really long time because I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do. I sort of zone out, not really napping but definitely very relaxed. Finally I wrap up in the pistemal and go back to the courtyard. The attendant gives me a dry pistemal and a towel for my hair, and indicates that I should sit and gives me some water. I’m glad to have it because I’m hot and thirsty. I sit some more and eventually go to my little changing room and put on my street clothes.

I pay 50 TL for the bath and add a 20 TL tip, express my heartfelt thanks and leave. It was so worth it (appx. $35 USD) – my skin has never been so smooth and soft and I feel all melt-y inside – and it was an amazing experience. I can’t recommend it enough. I estimate I was in the bath for 2 hours.

When I walk up the stairs and exit, I realize I’m on a completely different street from where I entered, because I exited from the women’s entrance. Nothing looks familiar. I walk down to the corner and look around and see the entrance we originally entered, then walk over to the men’s entrance. I’m thinking I’ll text Richard and let him know I’m outside, and maybe go across the street to the little cafe and have tea while waiting. But right about then a man sitting on a little stool looks at me and says something to me in Turkish, then in English says “oh, there you are”. And I’m all “who are you?” He says “stay here”. So I do. I mean, where would I go? I know my husband is somewhere nearby. In just a few minutes, Richard comes out of the bath. Apparently he had been finished for quite some time and was worried about me, kept asking where his wife was. Awww, he’s so sweet 🙂

Maybe Richard will blog his experience because the men’s side had a sauna and those who know him will not be surprised that he visited with quite a few of the men who were there.

I found the website for the bath: There is an English video that explains the process and gives viewers a look inside.

The whole experience was great, and I will certainly have another bath next time I’m in Turkey. My only wish is that the local women will be allowed to stay and I’ll have my own opportunity to make new friends.

Old City Walls

We walked over to a portion of the old city walls after leaving Chora Church. Named the Walls of Theodosius, it was built by Emperor Theodosius II in the early 5th century and stretches 3.5 miles from the Golden Horn to the Sea of Marmara.







Upper section of the Golden Horn visible in the distance.


Ancient and modern standing side-by-side.

There wasn’t a lot to see here, but no point in going all the way to Chora Church without a short detour to see the wall.




Chora Church

Last day in Istanbul and we headed out to Church of St. Savior in Chora. Chora means “in the country” and this church was originally outside the city walls until they were enlarged.

Getting here via tram and Metro, we got lost after exiting the Metro but eventually found our way.

The current church dates to 1100, after the original was damaged in an earthquake. The mosaics were added 1315-1321, while the frescoes are thought to have been added after the mosaics were complete, around 1320. According to the Rick Steves guidebook, this church houses some of the finest examples of late-Byzantine mosaics.
















Genealogy of Christ

Close up view of a mosiac. The tile pieces are tiny!

Close up view of a mosiac. The tile pieces are tiny!




After the church was converted to a mosque in the early 16th century, the frescoes and mosaics were covered with whitewash. They were rediscovered in the 1940s and restored.

This is a small, but underrated site, in my opinion, and surprisingly crowded considering how far it is from the Sultanahmet area.